
How to calculate Half year road tax

How to calculate Half year road tax

Road tax, also known as Motor Vehicle License (LKM), is an annual government-mandated fee that allows vehicle owners legal use of Malaysian public roads. The collected funds contribute to the construction, maintenance, and improvement of the country’s road infrastructure.

Half Year Road Tax Option

  • Availability: The Road Transport Department (JPJ) offers the flexibility of paying road tax for a six-month period. This alternative to full-year payment can be advantageous in several circumstances:
  • Imminent Sale: If you anticipate selling your vehicle in the near future, you can save money by paying road tax for only the duration you intend to own the car.
  • Temporary Usage: For vehicles used occasionally (like a vacation car or a seasonally driven project car), paying half-year road tax aligns payment with the period of actual use.
  • Mid-Year Purchase: When buying a new or used vehicle partway through the year, you may only need road tax for the remaining months.
  • Financial Planning: In some cases, paying in two smaller installments might be more manageable for personal budgeting.

Read More: Full Year Road Tax Calculator Malaysia

Understanding the Factors Affecting Road Tax

Engine Capacity (cc):

  • Malaysia employs a tiered system where road tax increases incrementally with engine displacement (measured in cubic centimeters).
  • The rationale: Vehicles with larger engines typically equate to heavier, potentially more powerful vehicles, placing greater wear on the roads.


Road tax rates differ slightly across these regions:

  • Peninsular Malaysia: Holds the standard baseline road tax rates.
  • Sabah and Sarawak: Generally benefit from slightly reduced road tax amounts.
  • Labuan, Langkawi, and Pangkor: These duty-free islands enjoy significantly lower road tax costs compared to the rest of Malaysia.

Vehicle Type:

  • Saloons: This broad category encompasses traditional sedans, hatchbacks, station wagons, and similar vehicles.
  • Non-Saloons: MPVs, SUVs, pickup trucks, and commercial vehicles usually fall into this classification commanding slightly higher road tax fees.


  • Private Vehicles: Road tax is calculated based on standard rates for cars registered to individuals.
  • Company Vehicles: Vehicles owned and registered under businesses might be subject to a different road tax structure.

Benefits of Half Year Road Tax

  • Selling a Car: If you’re planning on selling your car in the foreseeable future, paying for only six months of road tax avoids paying for a period you won’t be using the car. This saves you the difference as you won’t usually be refunded for the unused portion of a full year’s road tax.
  • Temporary Use: Some vehicles may not be used year-round. Think of a convertible that’s fantastic for summer but impractical in winter, a classic car only taken out for special events, or a utility vehicle needed for a specific season. Paying for half the year can significantly reduce costs when usage is limited.
  • New Car Ownership: When purchasing a car midway through the year, opting for half-year road tax covers the remaining months until the next renewal cycle. This avoids paying for a full year when you wouldn’t be utilizing the entire period.
  • Financial Constraints: For those on a tighter budget, dividing the road tax payment into two smaller installments might make financial management easier than paying the full cost in one go.

Additional Points to Consider

  • Availability: It’s important to note that half-year road tax options may be limited by vehicle category (e.g., not always available for commercial vehicles) or may not be offered through all renewal channels (like specific online portals). It’s best to check with the JPJ or the service provider you intend to use.
  • Full-Year Discounts: In some instances, there might be a small discount or administrative fee saving associated with paying for the full year at once. Be sure to compare the total cost before making your decision.

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